Imagining Equitable Policy


Course site for LPPS 5360 Imagining Equitable Policy, Fall 2021

View the Project on GitHub commpaslab/lpps5360


Over the course of the semester, we will develop a roadmap for equitable policy evaluation – in problem identification and formulation, interventions and analysis, and implementation and evaluation. Through team-based projects focusing on policies targeted at the challenges faced by different populations and people, we’ll generate concrete examples of what such a process could look like across domains.

Expectations and Evaluations

We will test and expand our understanding through a semester-long team-based application to a chosen population, problem, policy. Grades will depend on your learning and contribution to this collective effort, which will be assessed by a combination of individual work and team-based work.

Contributions to Material/Class (50%):

The individual work is directed at supporting everyone’s ability to effectively contribute to a series of team memos.

Project Brief Work (50%):

See more about the project briefs